
Code of Conduct

At Skanska, we are committed to doing business in all our home markets with a high degree of integrity. Our Code of Conduct, which is fundamental to this, is based on our values. These set out our expectations for responsible and sustainable behavior, so that we are always a trusted partner for our customers and other stakeholders. 

Setting the standard

Our Code establishes how we should conduct ourselves in interactions with colleagues, customers, the communities in which we operate and other stakeholders. It provides employees with hands-on guidance on how to act in accordance with our values, in particular Act Ethically and Transparently. It also gives practical examples to help employees apply the concepts in daily life.

Our Code sets the standard and is part of a group governance framework that contains more detailed policies and procedures in key areas, including anti-corruption, sanctions, insider trading and personal data. These policies and procedures are applicable across the Skanska Group.  Business units are responsible for implementing them and for supplementing them with local policies and guidance applicable to their specific operations.

Training and awareness

Training is an essential part of building a strong ethical culture so that everyone working with Skanska understands the behaviors expected of them. We set high expectations for all colleagues to follow our clear and transparent ways of working, and to live by our Code of Conduct and values.

New employees need to undertake training on the Code of Conduct within a month of starting work, with refresher training for all colleagues every two years. In addition, each business unit runs additional training targeting specific risk areas, such as anti-bribery, competition law and conflicts of interest.

Our Board, Group Leadership Team and business unit management teams are committed to ensuring that all colleagues are aligned on how we do business at Skanska. 

As well as formal training, we also promote discussions around dilemmas and value moments to raise awareness. This is a way for our managers to show visible leadership around a variety of topics. Talking regularly about ethical issues helps people decide how to act when they encounter difficult situations and gray areas, and helps build a strong ethical culture.

Third parties and our Supplier Code of Conduct

We want to work with others who share our values. Our Supplier Code of Conduct explains the behaviors we expect from our suppliers. We require that this Code be embedded throughout our supply chain to ensure that actions taken on our behalf are carried out in accordance with the Skanska Values.

In all joint venture arrangements, we require our partners to follow the Skanska Code of Conduct or an equivalent. Working to an agreed Code of Conduct helps to keep all parties aligned.

We also have a third-party due diligence program to help us to know our business partners throughout our supply chain.