General | Careers | Governance | Investors | Sustainability
When was Skanska founded?
In 1887. Learn more at Our history, where you can also view films about Skanska's history.
What is Skanska's business?
We are active in the fields of construction and project development, including commercial properties, homes and Public Private Partnerships. Learn more about Our services.
What are Skanska's net sales?
In 2017, revenue amounted to SEK 161 billion. Learn more about our financials in the Financial information section.
In how many countries is the company present?
Skanska conducts business in eleven countries in Europe and USA. Learn more at Geographic markets.
Which are Skanska's main markets, in terms of net sales?
Our single largest market is the US, followed by Sweden, see Geographic markets.
Where are the headquarters located?
In Stockholm, Sweden. Find the address, directions and a map on the Directions head office page.
Who is the head of the Skanska Group?
Anders Danielsson is Skanska's President and CEO and member of the management, the Group Leadership Team (GLT). Hans Biörck is the Chairman of the Board. Learn more about Anders Danielsson and Hans Biörck at the Board.
How many employees does Skanska have?
During 2017, Skanska had about 40,000 employees.
Where can I find information about job opportunities?
You can find more information on job opportunities within Skanska on our Search & apply for jobs page.
What is Skanska's policy for compensation and benefits?
Skanska's policy is to give our employees a total compensation aligned with the local market. Read more at Compensation & benefits.
Can I impact my own compensation?
In 2008, a three-year Skanska Employee Ownership Program (SEOP) was introduced to further strengthen Skanska's attractiveness to new and existing employees. It was aimed at all permanent employees, for the purpose of attracting and retaining employees and strengthening their affinity with the Company. An eligible employee can invest up to 5% of the net salary in Skanska stocks. If the employee fulfills the conditions for contribution 3 years later, the employee will receive 25%-100% of the investment in Skanska stocks, depending on the performance of his or her business unit. Please note that investing in stocks is a risk and that other percentages are valid for Key and Top Managers. Find more information about SEOP at Compensation & benefits.
Is the compensation model the same in all countries where Skanska operates?
No, there are local variations between countries in terms of the total package of compensation and benefits. Please advice your local HR team.
Corporate governance
What is the purpose of the Annual General Meeting?
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held annually to decide on central issues. You can find more information about AGM in general at Annual General Meeting.
Who can attend the Annual General Meeting?
Shareholders listed on the record date are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) if notifying Skanska of the intention to participate. For general information about AGM, see Annual General Meeting.
Where are documents relating to AGMs stored?
Documents, such as invitations, CEO statements and minutes from Skanska's Annual General Meetings since 2005 can be found in the AGM Archive.
What does the Nomination Committee do?
The task of the Nomination Committee is to propose Board of Directors and Auditor as well as remuneration to these. The proposals are decided upon at the Annual General Meetings. Shareholders can submit proposals by contacting the Nomination Committee in due time before AGMs, see Nomination Committee.
Where can I find the Skanska Corporate governance reports?
Skanska's Corporate governance reports are published as appendices to the Skanska Annual reports but are also found as separate PDFs at Corporate governance reports.
Investor related
When was the company introduced on the stock market?
Skanska was introduced on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 1965. Learn more about our share in the Skanska share section.
Where is the Skanska share traded?
The Skanska shares are listed and traded on the Nasdaq Stockholm. Find more information about the share on the Share graph page.
How many shareholders has Skanska got?
Skanska has more than 100,000 shareholders, read more at Major shareholders.
How many analysts follow Skanska?
On our Analysts page you will find a list of the analysts following Skanska.
What does your dividend policy and dividend history look like?
Find information on our dividend policy and dividend history on the Dividend page.
Where do I find the release dates of Skanska's financial reports?
All financial events such as releases of financial reports are found on the Calendar page, where you will also find a link to archived calendar events.
What does Skanska's ownership structure look like?
Skanska is owned by a number of different owners, visit our Major shareholders page for more information.
Where can I find the annual report?
Find our latest and previous annual reports in pdf on the Annual reports page. You can also order a printed copy.
How does Skanska work with sustainability?
Our commitment to contribute to a more sustainable world is resolute, read more on Sustainability.
How well does Skanska perform when it comes to sustainability?
Skanska participates in progressive programs – both internally and externally – pushing the limits of what is considered best practices. We are not just following standards, rules and regulations; we are helping create new ones. Several sustainability indices, e.g. FTSE4Good, confirm our progressive approach. Having said this, we still have lots to do when it comes to making our operations and customer offering truly sustainable. Read more about Sustainability.
How do we define Green?
Skanska Color PaletteTM, is the strategic framework and communication tool for Green Business, that has been developed to measure and guide the company's performance on this journey with destination Deep Green. Deep Green is defined by 6 zeros that relate to the priority opportunities for reduction of the environmental impact of our projects, i.e Energy, Carbon, Materials and Water. Read more about How we define Green.
How important is Safety to Skanska?
Safety is part of our values. This commits us to eliminate all fatalities, serious and lost time accidents and all harm at our worksites. It is not enough to do this on Skanska worksites. We must also work with our supply chain partners, our competitors, our clients and regulators to improve the safety of all construction activities in our home markets. Read more at Safety and Our purpose and values.
Do you have a Code of Conduct?
Yes, in 2002 Skanska's first Code of Conduct was published. In 2008 a revised Code of Conduct was approved by the Board of Directors of Skanska AB. During 2009 Skanska's Code of Conduct program was upgraded throughout the Skanska Group. In 2016 we launched our latest Code of Conduct. Read more at Ethics.
Do you have any examples of projects incorporating aspects of Sustainability?
Yes, more info is found in the project section.
What is your Community Investment strategy focusing on?
- Education: focusing on Safety, Green and Technical.
- Disaster relief
- Home market specific activities compliant with our Code of Conduct
We encourage and empower our employees to make a positive contribution to society and the communities where we work and live. Through normal management approval systems, these contributions are determined according to local needs. Read more at Community Investment.
Why do we have a common Diversity & inclusion vision?
Increasing diversity and inclusion is a change journey and for any change journey to be successful a clear goal is needed.
Although many of the challenges we face in different home markets are unique, quite a few challenges are similar across countries, regions and business stream.
We are a people company: our competitive advantage lies in attracting, developing and retaining the best people. A key component for success is our ability to offer an inclusive work culture that allows everyone to contribute to their full potential.
Why do we have such a strong focus on inclusion?
Diversity is who we are in terms of representation; inclusion is how we interact with each other. Research and experience shows that it is the combination of diversity and inclusion that brings benefits to an organization such as:
- Ability to attract, retain and develop the best people from a large pool of talent
- Ability to fully understand future and present clients as well as their customers
- Creditability as a business partner and employer
- Ability to be innovative and creative
Diversity without inclusion results in problems such as conflicts, harassment, employee turnover etc. Inclusion without diversity results in low capacity for change, low creativity and increased risk of making major mistakes because of "group think". Therefore we need to be both diverse and inclusive.
How will we work to meet Skanska's Diversity & inclusion vision?
The vision comes with a strategy. Starting 2014 each Business Unit President has appointed a member in their BU management team to take on the role as an Inclusion Advocate. The Inclusion Advocate together with HR have developed a BU specific analysis followed by targets and actions in line with group strategy and integrated in the people strategy in each BU.
What are the main areas of action in your Diversity & inclusion strategy?
The foundation for our strategy is our Code of Conduct and business plan. A fundamental component is our managers' commitment, awareness and skills in diversity and inclusion. If we are to reach our vision this can never be compromised.
The strategy focuses on four main areas that are critical for our business success. These are:
- Attract and recruit from a large and diverse pool of talent
- Develop a diverse pool of talent
- Securing and Inclusive work culture
- Using Diversity and inclusion as a competitive advantage in the marketplace
With the strategy comes a suggested measurement focusing on important stakeholder groups' experiences of today as well as desired experiences in 2020, within each strategic area. Departing from the strategy each BU will define actions and targets that will help them move forward.
What is Skanska's definition of diversity?
Diversity says something very fundamental about us as individuals as well as the societies we live in.
Diversity as a concept refers to variation. In other words, diversity by default means you have more than one (of something) otherwise you are not able to detect any potential variations. In the case of diversity and inclusion work, diversity means human variations and differences between people.
From a broad perspective diversity is about everything that makes us unique as individuals – anything that makes me different from you. From a slightly more narrow perspective diversity refers to common social categories in societies such as gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation etc.
These social categories typically come with historical, societal status hierarchies that result in inequalities. Thus, in a given society at a given time we not only find specific shared perceptions on for example what women and men are like, there is also an evaluation of women and men as social categories. According to this evaluation (status hierarchy in society) what is considered to by masculine or characteristics of men are more or less higher valued than what is being labeled as feminine etc. Note that is not the same as saying that all men are higher valued than all women. Obviously there are exceptions on individual level.
In many countries there are similar status hierarchies at play in relation to other social categories such as ethnicity, age, and sexual orientation. As countries become more and more equal less of these unfair evaluations is taking place. In many countries there is legislation in place that supports companies in preventing and abolishing these kinds of inequalities, for instance discrimination due to gender and race etc.
What is Skanska's definition of inclusion?
Inclusion is how to deal with diversity.
Inclusion is the concept used to describe a desired culture/mindset/approach to diversity, in other words a prescription on how we as individual and members of an organization should deal with diversity. Some people might find it difficult to understand what inclusion is, as it typically not is something we think of when we experience it. One way of understanding what inclusion is to think of its' opposite: exclusion. An excluding culture is a culture in which some people are marginalized, not listen to, made fun of, bullied and harassed. This could be an openly sexist, racist, homophobic culture. Such a culture could still be inclusive to the majority, but not to others. An excluding culture/ mindset/approach is not in line with Skanska's values and Code of Conduct.
An inclusive culture is a culture where also minority groups feel welcomed, acknowledged and comfortable in showing who they are and enables everyone to contribute. It is a culture where everyone treats each other with respect and care. An inclusive culture does not mean that "anything goes" rather the opposite: often it is characterized by strong values but those values focus on everyone's equal worth as human beings and how we treat each other (with respect and care).
Full inclusion goes beyond securing that people do not harass each other or treat each other badly. Full inclusion means scrutinizing the way we are organized, how we cooperate, how we incentivize, how we acknowledge and promote in order to find more inclusive ways of working. Research (for instance Rutherford 2001, 2011) have pinpointed a number of aspects in culture that could unintentionally exclude certain groups:
- Background to Organization
- Physical Layout and Artifacts
- Management Style
- Informal Socializing
- Diversity Awareness
- Work Ideology and Time Management
- Sexuality
- Language and Communication