
Share key figures

Our share key figures dating back to 2015 are provided below.

Full year
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Year-end market price, SEK 182.4 165.0 234.2 209.7 211.7 141.0 170.0 215.1 164.8
Year-end market capitalization, SEK bn 76.6 69.3 98.3 86.5 87.1 57.8 69.5 88.0 67.7
Number of shares for the year, million1 410.2 419.9 412.2 412.3 411.5 409.7 408.9 409.3 411.0
Highest share price during the year, SEK 195.0 245.0 258.8 238.9 216.0 179.7 226.6 218.7 208.4
Lowest share price during the year, SEK 141.6 134.4 203.3 146.0 140.9 134.9 170.0 149.2 151.4
Yield, percent2 3.0 4.5 4.3 4.5 3.0 4.3 4.9 3.8 4.6
Earnings per share, SEK3 7.89 18.62 19.80 22.46 15.46 9.55 12.01 15.89 11.96
Regular dividend per share, SEK 5,50 4 7.50 10.00 9.50 3.25 6.00 8.25 8.25 7.50
Dividend pay-out ratio, %5 70 40 51 42 40 63 69 52 63

1 Number of shares outstanding at year-end excluding the parent company's own holding of Class B treasury shares.
2 Dividend as a percentage of respective year-end share price.
3 Earning per share according to segment reporting divided by the number of shares outstandning .
4 Based on the dividend proposed by the Board of Directors
5 Dividend as a percentage of earnings per share.

Last updated: 2/14/2024