Thames Water and Skanska are part of the eight2O alliance, a collaborative partnership that is delivering GBP 1.75BN of capital investments in water infrastructure between 2015 and 2020.
Hosting this 10-minute session is Neil Moore, Skanska AB Senior Vice President of Safety.
Highlights of Karl’s remarks include:
- Trust and collaboration led by the customer set the tone for achieving a culture of safety.
- Integration of design, construction and operations personnel early in the project is important to set the project up to deliver on intended results.
- Major capital programs in the UK have typically seen a spike of worker injuries in the first year. “You have a melting pot of cultures coming together,” Karl says. Such an increase did not occur with the eight2O alliance. “We have done something remarkably different as a result of that trust and collaborative spirit that we set in place where everybody is an equal partner and aligned when it comes to health and safety.”
- Projects with traditional construction contracts can achieve outcomes similar to alliance agreements.