Fortune, a multinational business magazine, included 53 companies in its 2020 “Change the World” list, including The Vaccine Makers, PayPal, Microsoft and Salesforce. Skanska was ranked 17th, moving three spots up from our 20th position last year.
“Being recognized by Fortune Magazine as a Change the World company, both 2019 and 2020 is a great achievement, showing that Skanska is acknowledged as a global leader in sustainability. With BoKlok and Skanska’s climate target in the spotlight, Fortune confirms that addressing sustainability challenges, like climate change and social inequalities is good business. I’m very proud of all our colleagues contributing in their everyday work,” Anders Danielsson, Skanska Group President & CEO says.
In selecting Skanska for their “Change the World” list, Fortune cited our expansion of BoKlok into the UK, with the goal of providing quality housing in working-class and lower-income communities across that country. Fortune also pointed to our sustainability efforts and our Group target of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2045, along with the fact that in the past five years, we’ve already reduced emissions by 28 percent. Aligning with Fortune’s statement on the importance of collaboration, both these initiatives could not be possible without key partnerships and our teams working together to create innovative solutions.
“We have reached this position thanks to great engagement to make sustainability an integrated part of our business. We are on the Fortune Change the World list because we can show in our performance and actual projects how we contribute to the needs of society. A recognition like this is possible also thanks to a high overall level of sustainability, with a strong foundation in all key sustainability areas and governance, including anti-corruption, high safety standards and a commitment in diversity and inclusion,” Lena Hök, Group Senior Vice President of Sustainability explains.
Fortune stressed that their 2020 list proves that no business succeeds alone. Collaboration among companies is a common thread in this year’s list, from the effort to make “green” steel to the race for a COVID-19 vaccine. To narrow down their 2020 list, Fortune took into account a variety of factors including measurable social impact, business results, degree of innovation and corporate integration. The magazine assembled the list in partnership with the Shared Value Initiative, a consultancy that helps companies apply business skills to social problems.
See the list
View the entire 2020 “Change the World” list on Fortune’s website.