
Skanska to finance professorship in climate adaptation at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

3/23/2016 11:20 AM CET

The Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has appointed Skanska’s Kim Robert Lisø as adjunct professor in the field of climate adaptation of buildings. The specialist focus of the professorship is to strengthen the performance of the building envelope in a changing climate, and comprises a key component of the recently established Centre for Research-based Innovation at SINTEF/NTNU called Klima 2050.

"There is still a widespread need for new know-how about the consequences of climate change, and how society can best adapt. For this reason, it is important that we look at both the overall planning of where buildings and infrastructure are located, and how they are designed. Klima 2050 is a valuable arena for the development of new and robust solutions for climate adaptations of buildings and infrastructure, particularly in light of future risks linked to a changing climate," says Ståle Rød, CEO of Skanska Norway.

The main goal of Klima 2050 is to reduce the societal risks associated with climate changes and enhanced precipitation and flood water exposure within the built environment. The Centre’s activities are to stimulate new and innovative solutions, products, processes and business models for climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure. This professorship (a 20 percent position) will have special responsibility for developing a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) in climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure. The professorship is financed by key partner Skanska AB.

"I’m happy to welcome Kim to the team of adjunct professors at Skanska. He will be a valuable resource in this important field of sustainability", says Ulf Håkansson, Head of Research and Innovation Skanska AB.

Kim Robert Lisø holds a PhD in building envelope performance assessments in harsh climates from NTNU (2006). He currently serves as Chief Innovation Officer at Skanska and Managing Director of Powerhouse, and has extensive experience in leading highly skilled specialist organizations.

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