
Skanska builds helicopter hangar in Sweden for SEK 310 M

6/10/2015 8:30 AM CET
Press release

Skanska has signed an agreement with the Swedish Fortifications Agency to build a combined helicopter hangar and administration building at the wing F17 in Kallinge, Sweden. This contract is worth SEK 310 M, which will be included in order bookings for Skanska Sweden in the second quarter of 2015.

The assignment includes construction of a hangar for 17 helicopters. The hangar, which also includes space for administration, will have a gross area of more than 21,000 square meters.

Construction start is planned for July 2015 and the hangar will open before the summer of 2017.

Skanska Sweden is one of Sweden’s largest construction companies, with operations in building and civil-engineering construction. The business unit has approximately 11,000 employees and revenue in 2014 amounted to approximately SEK 30 billion. In Sweden, Skanska is also active in the development of residential construction and commercial premises.

Contact: Markus Sölvenäs, Regionchef
Telephone +46104488120