Skanska’s divestment of its investment in the M25 motorway in London, UK, will be recorded 2016
12/23/2016 8:30 AM CET
Press release
As announced earlier, Skanska has signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) for its investment in the M25 motorway in London, UK. The purchase price, which initially was reported to be about SEK 2.9 billion, amounts to about SEK 3.1 billion as a result of the transaction already being hedged. The divestment will be recorded by Skanska Infrastructure Development during the fourth quarter 2016.
The deal will be closed and the payment will be settled during the first quarter of 2017.
Skanska Infrastructure Development is a leader in the global Public Private Partnerships (PPP) market. The business unit invests in, develops and operates roads, hospitals, schools and other infrastructure in partnership with the public sector.