Jacob Birkeland new Head of Media Relations at Skanska AB
Jacob Birkeland has now taken office as the new Head of Media Relations at Skanska AB. In his role, Jacob will be responsible for the Skanska Group’s media contacts and for coordinating this work across the Group’s ten markets.
Jacob was most recently employed at the listed residential developer Bonava, where he led the work on building up the company’s name and reputation among journalists, politicians and other public players in his capacity as the Group Head of Press and Public Affairs. Prior to that, he worked as Manager Public Affairs at Samsung and as Head of Press to the Minister for Trade at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
“I look forward to continuing to develop Skanska’s work with our media relations together with Jacob. With his background in business and the public sphere, he has the right profile to manage Skanska’s press activities in all our markets. He also possesses good leadership qualities and the right values. Skanska’s ambition is to have the best press division. Jacob’s experience, knowledge and personality will be valuable in these efforts,” says Karolina Cederhage, Senior Vice President Communications at Skanska AB.
“It is an honor and an exciting challenge to be assigned the responsibility for Skanska’s media relations, given the company’s prominent position as a global player in societal development. I look forward to being a part of contributing to this work,” says Jacob Birkeland, Head of Media Relations at Skanska AB.
The other members of the Media Team are:
Andreas Joons
Annika Svensson
Patric Elmén