
Skanska’s Board of Directors proposes dividend

9/23/2020 5:30 PM CET
Press release

The Board of Directors of Skanska has decided to propose dividend to shareholders of SEK 3.25 per share and has therefore decided to summon the shareholders to an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on October 22, 2020. The notice to attend will be published separately.

On March 24, 2020, the Board of Directors announced that, due to the prevailing uncertainty caused by COVID-19, it had decided to withdraw the dividend proposal to the Annual General Meeting of SEK 6.25 per share. The Board of Directors also announced its ambition to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting in the autumn to decide on the dividend if the circumstances so permit. At the Annual General Meeting on March 26, 2020, it was resolved in accordance with the Board's proposal that no dividend be paid to the shareholders.

During the recent months, uncertainty has decreased, but there is still reason to be prudent. The Board of Directors has decided, after an overall assessment, to propose to an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on October 22, 2020 to resolve upon a dividend of SEK 3.25 per share.

“Skanska remains strong financially and operationally, we therefore propose a dividend for our shareholders” says Hans Biörck, Chairman of the Board of Skanska.

Contact: Jacob Birkeland, Chef Press och Public Affairs Skanska AB
Telephone +46104491957