
Skanska’s Board of Directors has resolved to exercise the authorization given by the AGM to acquire own Skanska Series B shares

3/30/2021 3:00 PM CET
Press release

At the statutory Board meeting on March 30, 2021, the Board resolved to exercise the authorisation given by the Annual General Meeting on March 30, 2021 to acquire own Series B shares in Skanska on the following terms and conditions to secure delivery of Series B shares to participants in the Skanska employee ownership program resolved by the Annual General Meeting on March 28, 2019 (Seop 5).

Acquisitions may be made on one or several occasions, however at the latest until the Annual General Meeting 2022, of no more than 1,200,000 Series B shares in Skanska on Nasdaq Stockholm at a price within the from time to time applicable range of prices (spread) on Nasdaq Stockholm, meaning the interval between the highest purchase price and the lowest selling price. Acquired own Series B shares in Skanska may be transferred to participants in Seop 5 in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the decision by the Annual General Meeting on March 28, 2019.

On March 30, 2021 Skanska held 7,559,916 Series B shares in its own custody.

Contact: Jacob Birkeland, Head of Media Relations and Public Affairs
Telephone +46104491957

Contact: Caroline Fellenius Omnell, Executive Vice President, General Counsel
Telephone +46104488900