
Skanska builds office for Vectura in Lund, Sweden, for about SEK 650M

6/12/2023 8:00 AM CET
Press release Non-regulatory press releases

Skanska has signed a contract with Vectura Properties to construct a building for office and research in Lund, Sweden. The contract is worth about SEK 650M, which will be included in the order bookings for Sweden in the second quarter of 2023.


The new office will become the base for Kockum’s and Combitech’s operations in the region. The two companies that are part of Saab AB will also have a base for research and development in the property.

The office building will be nine stories high and cover a total of 24,000 square meters. It shall meet high sustainability requirements and the goal is for it to be certified according to LEED Gold.

Construction work will commence soon and the project will be completed in the third quarter of 2025.

Contact: Olof Rundgren, Media Relations Manager
Telephone +46104486794