
Skanska year-end Report 2003

2/13/2004 9:06 AM CET
Press release Financial reports

Full-year 2003 net sales of the Skanska Group declined by 6 percent to SEK 132,879 M (142,033). Income after financial items rose to SEK 4,072 M (73). Capital employed decreased to SEK 24.5 billion (31.6). Gain on sale of properties in Commercial Project Development amounted to SEK 2,399 M (294). The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 3.00 (2.00) per share for the 2003 financial year.

During the fourth quarter of 2003 net sales of the Skanska Group declined by 5 percent to SEK 35,605 M (37,399). Income after financial items rose to SEK 1,189 M (-989). Order bookings declined by 35 percent to SEK 21.7 billion. Adjusted for currency rate effects, order bookings fell by 31 percent. Order backlog amounted to SEK 116 billion (135). Adjusted for currency rate effects, order backlog decreased by 2 percent.

Link to Skanska´s Year End Report 2003
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