
Three month report, January-March 2004

4/30/2004 9:04 AM CET
Press release Financial reports

• Net sales decreased by 12 percent to SEK 26,033 M (29,553). Adjusted for currency rate effects, net sales fell by 5 percent.
• Operating income amounted to SEK 456 M (720).
• Gain on sale of properties in Commercial Project Development amounted to SEK 126 M (488).
• Income after financial items amounted to SEK 418 M (540).
• Net income amounted to SEK 268 M (363) and earnings per share in the fourth quarter totaled SEK 0.64 (0.87).
• Order bookings declined by 4 percent to SEK 31.4 billion (32.6). Adjusted for currency rate effects however, order bookings rose by 3 percent. Order backlog amounted to SEK 126.7 billion (137.9), a decline of 8 percent. Adjusted for currency rate effects, order backlog only fell by 2 percent.

Link to the complete three month report (requires Acrobat Reader)