Skanska to build shopping center in Trondheim, Norway, for NOK 477 M, approximately SEK 570 M
Skanska has secured a contract to build a shopping center in Trondheim in Norway. The contract amount is NOK 477 M, approximately SEK 570 M, which is included in order bookings for the third quarter of 2010. The customer is KBS Kjøpesenter AS, a part of Realinvest AS.
Skanska will develop the project together with the customer. The shopping center, comprising 63,000 square meters, will also include facilities for service and health care. The new shopping center will be constructed on the site of the existing facility which will be demolished.
Work will commence in October and is scheduled for completion in two years.
Skanska Norway focuses on construction and civil engineering operations. The unit has approximately 4,100 employees. In 2009, Skanska Norway reported revenue of about SEK 11 billion. In Norway, Skanska is also active in the development of residential and public private partnerships (PPP) projects.