Skanska issues green corporate bond
Skanska offers capital markets the opportunity to invest in Skanska’s green projects through its first green corporate bond. The invested capital will be exclusively allocated towards investments in green commercial property development.
“There is an increasing interest in the investor market for not only earning a return on investment, but also contributing to a better environment. Skanska is a leader in green project development and construction, and wants to be the preferred choice for investors seeking green investments”, says Peter Wallin, CFO, Skanska AB.
“Green bonds help Skanska diversify its investor base and is yet another way to benefit from our leading position in green project development. The successful issuance confirms the capital market’s confidence in Skanska’s financial strength and continued long term commitment to a sustainable business model”, says Pär Lageryd, Head of Treasury, Skanska Financial Services AB.
Skanska’s Green Bond Framework is endorsed by the Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO), an independent research centre associated with the University of Oslo, Norway.
The SEK 850 million bond has a five year term and was issued with SEB as sole bookrunner, SEB also acted as an advisor on the green bond framework.