Skanska’s Board of Directors has resolved on the repurchase of shares
At the Board meeting on April 11, 2013, the Board resolved to exercise the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting’s authorization concerning the repurchase of shares on the following terms: on one or several occasions, but no longer than the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting in 2014, not more than 4,500,000 Skanska AB Series B shares may be acquired, the aim of which is to secure delivery of shares to participants in Skanska’s Employee Ownership Program, SEOP(2011-2013).
The Board resolved also to exercise the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting’s authorization concerning the repurchase of shares on the following terms: on one or several occasions, but no longer than the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting in 2014, not more than 2,000,000 Skanska AB Series B shares may be acquired, the aim of which is to secure delivery of shares to participants in Skanska’s Employee Ownership Program, SEOP(2014-2016).
Acquisition may only be made on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm within the price interval prevailing at any given time, meaning the interval between the highest purchase price and the lowest selling price. On April 11, Skanska held 8,181,145 Series B shares in its own custody.
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