Skanska among Nordic top ten companies that are best at reporting carbon emissions
Skanska has been named as one of the ten best companies in the Nordic region at reporting its direct and indirect carbon emissions. In this year’s edition of the annual ranking from Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP, Skanska is ranked number nine and is the only construction company among the 20 highest-ranked companies.
“I am very pleased. This is the most important report in the world in this field, on which we have focused a great deal of effort as we regard it as a key part of the company’s future. For Skanska, measuring and reducing emissions is a way of becoming more efficient, since emissions are connected to energy consumption,” says Noel Morrin, Senior Vice President, Sustainability and Green Construction in the Skanska Group.
CDP is the world’s largest global register of companies’ information regarding how they address climate change and emissions of greenhouse gases. Approximately 3,000 organizations from 60 countries participate annually. The forces behind the project are 534 institutional investors worldwide that jointly represent more than SEK 430,000 billion in managed capital.
The CDP report has been implemented globally since 2000 and in the Nordic region since 2007. The Nordic index is based on questions to 200 of the largest listed Nordic companies.
In the report, carbon emissions are divided into direct emissions that are owned and controlled by the company, such as fuel, emissions in the form of purchased electricity, as well as other indirect emissions derived from sources that cannot be directly controlled by the company, such as the purchase of materials.
For more information about the survey and the Nordic top list, please go to