
Skanska starts the second phase of Green Corner office project in Warsaw, Poland

12/22/2011 8:48 AM CET
Press release

Skanska starts construction of building B in Green Corner office complex, Warsaw, Poland. Total leasable space in building B will amount to 13,000 square meters. Investment value of the second phase of Green Corner totals EUR 30 M, about SEK 270 M.

The Green Corner office complex, located at Chłodna street in Warsaw, comprises of two buildings with a total area of 27,000 square meters. Both buildings will be completed in fourth quarter 2012.

The seven-storey complex will offer good access to public transportation, including the new line of the Warsaw underground. Green Corner office project is already LEED Platinum pre-certified and features numerous innovative technologies, which will reduce the building’s operating costs. Green solutions such as energy-efficient lighting system and the use of grey-water will lead to cost savings for the tenants.

Skanska has already signed two lease agreements for office space in building A of Green Corner complex. The first tenants will occupy 7,000 and 300 square meters, respectively.

Skanska Commercial Development Europe initiates and develops property projects in office, logistics and commercial buildings. The company’s operations are concentrated in metropolitan areas in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland and are conducted in three local units: Skanska Property Czech Republic, Skanska Property Hungary and Skanska Property Poland.

Contact: Jakub Zagórski, Dyrektor ds. Efektywności Organizacyjnej - Dygitalizacja Biznesu