
Year-end Report, January - December 2005

2/16/2006 8:33 AM CET
Press release Financial reports

January-December 2005 compared to January-December 2004
# Revenue amounted to SEK 124.7 billion (121.3). Adjusted for discontinued operations, revenue rose by 7 percent. In Construction, revenue rose by 5 percent adjusted for currency rate effects.
# Operating income in continuing operations rose to SEK 4,798 M (3,374). In Construction, most units showed better operating margins. Operating income for the Group amounted to SEK 5,000 M (4,361). Included in operating income in the comparative period was a capital gain of about SEK 1 billion from the divestment of Skanska Services.
# During the year, commercial properties with a value of SEK 4,430 M (4,645) were divested, with gains amounting to SEK 1,626 M (1,494). The divestments were made at, on average, 11 percent above the market values estimated by year-end 2004.
# Income after financial items amounted to SEK 5,120 M (4,327).
# Profit for the year amounted to SEK 3,890 M (3,186) and earnings per share for the year amounted to SEK 9.27 (7.58).
# Interest-bearing net receivables increased to SEK 11,111 M (7,229).
# Operating cash flow before change in interest-bearing assets and liabilities amounted to SEK 4,122 M (6,866).
# Order bookings amounted to SEK 116.6 billion (116.0). Adjusted for currency rate effects, order bookings declined by 2 percent.
# The appraisals made at year-end indicates surplus values of SEK 1.9 billion in Commercial project development and SEK 2.7 billion in Infrastructure development.
# The Board of Directors proposes a regular dividend of SEK 4.50 (4.00) per share and an extra dividend of SEK 2.00 per share for the 2005 financial year.

Link to the complete Year-end Report (requires Acrobat Reader)