Skanska nine month report January to September, 2002
Improved earnings and increased cash flow
# During the first nine months of 2002, the operating income of the Skanska Group rose to SEK 1,926 M (685) and the operating margin amounted to 1.8 (0.6) percent. During the July to September period, operating income rose to SEK 876 M (–763) and the operating margin amounted to 2.5 (neg) percent.
# During the nine month report period, income after financial items rose to SEK 1,062 M (–132) for the Group. This included SEK 45 M (1,414) in capital gains on the sale of properties. During the third quarter, income after financial items climbed to SEK 670 M (–1,208). This included SEK 1 M (92) in capital gains on sale of properties.
# Operating income in U.S. operations climbed 34 percent during the third quarter. Meanwhile operating income improved in the Scandinavian and European market areas.
Link to the complete press release and nine month report. (Requires Acrobat Reader)