
Skanska secures UK motorway contract valued at SEK 665 M

7/3/2001 12:33 PM CET
Press release

Skanska has been awarded a contract valued at GBP 43 M (approximately SEK 665 M) by the Highways Agency, the authority responsible for the road network in the UK, to construct a 10-kilometer bypass on the A63 at Selby in North Yorkshire.

Press Release


July 3, 2001   Skanska secures UK motorway contract valued at SEK 665 M Skanska has been awarded a contract valued at GBP 43 M (approximately SEK 665 M) by the Highways Agency, the authority responsible for the road network in the UK, to construct a 10-kilometer bypass on the A63 at Selby in North Yorkshire. The new bypass on the A63 will reduce through traffic in Selby. The project includes a 100-meter swing bridge over the River Ouse, as well as six other bridges, six junctions and 2.8 kilometers of link roads. Approximately 100,000 trees are to be planted along the new highway as part of an extensive landscaping program. Work on the project is planned to start in July, with completion scheduled for autumn 2003. The motorway project is the second of its type secured by Skanska in the UK within two months, following a contract valued at GBP 12 M (approximately SEK 185 M) awarded to Skanska in May to construct a 5.6 kilometer bypass on the A6 near Leicester. ___________________________________________________ For further information please contact: Andrew Geldard or Cheryl Eaton, Skanska Construction press office, Tel +44 1923 423833 Tor Krusell, Senior Vice President Communications, Skanska AB, Tel +46 8 753 87 47