
Three Month Report, January-March 2007

4/27/2007 8:37 AM CET
Press release Financial reports

January-March 2007 compared to January-March 2006

- Revenue amounted to SEK 28.5 billion (26.8). In Construction, revenue rose by 13 percent adjusted for currency rate effects.

- Operating income for the Group amounted to SEK 779 M (610).

- The operating margin in Construction increased to 2.4 (1.9) percent.

- In Residential Development, the operating income increased in most units. For the business stream as a whole, the operating income amounted to SEK 246 M (149) and the operating margin increased to 12.0 (9.5) percent.

- During the report period, commercial properties with a value of SEK 186 M (606) were divested, with capital gains amounting to SEK 97 M (209).

- Income after financial items amounted to SEK 851 M (668).

- Profit for the report period amounted to SEK 605 M (494), and earnings per share totaled SEK 1.43 (1.18).

- Operating cash flow before changes in interest-bearing receivables and liabilities amounted to SEK -108 M (-589).

- Order bookings increased by 45 percent and amounted to SEK 39.7 billion (27.4). Adjusted for currency rate effects, order bookings increased by 53 percent.

- Order backlog totaled SEK 150.5 billion (129.0), equivalent to 15 (13) months of construction.