
Notification of Annual Shareholders´ Meeting in Skanska AB

3/3/2011 5:30 PM CET
Press release

On March 4, 2011, Skanska AB will publish notification of its Annual Shareholders´ Meeting in Swedish newspapers. The Meeting will be held on April 5, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. at Cirkus, Stockholm, Sweden.

The notification includes the Nomination Committee’s proposal for the election of the Board of Directors at the Shareholders’ Meeting 2011. The Board currently comprises nine members elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting. Prior to the Board election, Finn Johnsson has declined re-election.

The Nomination Committee proposes re-election of Stuart Graham, Johan Karlström, Sverker Martin-Löf, Adrian Montague, Lars Pettersson, Josephine Rydberg-Dumont, Charlotte Strömberg and Matti Sundberg.

The Committee proposes new election of Fredrik Lundberg, CEO and President of L E Lundbergföretagen.

Furthermore, the Nomination Committee proposes re-election of Sverker Martin-Löf as Chairman of the Board.

During its work, the Nomination Committee also has discussed a possible position as Deputy Chairman of the Board. To prepare for future succession in the role of Chairman, the Committee recommends that the Board elect Stuart Graham as Deputy Chairman.

The Notification in full is attached to this press release.

Contact: Pontus Winqvist, Senior Vice President Group Corporate Finance & Control
Telephone +46104488851