
Skanska wins commercial design and construction contract in the City of London, worth GBP 109 M, about SEK 1.1 billion

6/20/2013 11:15 AM CET
Press release

Land Securities Group PLC has appointed Skanska as the main contractor for the design and construction of a mixed-use development in the City of London. The contract is worth GBP 109 M, about SEK 1.1 billion, and will be booked in the second quarter of 2013. Work is scheduled to start in August 2013 and conclude in April 2015.

Ludgate London

The more than 35,000 square meter scheme, 1 & 2 New Ludgate, London EC4, occupies an island site close to St Paul’s Cathedral and comprises two distinct buildings and a new public piazza. The works include the design and construction of two office buildings, including ground-floor and basement retail and restaurant space, plus external landscaping works.

Skanska UK reported revenues of about SEK 12 billion in 2012, with about 4,000 employees. The company is active in building and civil construction, utilities and building services. In the UK, Skanska is also a leader in Public Private Partnerships, also known as Private Finance 2 (PF2). Skanska has also initiated the development of homes for the UK market.