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Eteläranta 10 office building

  • Facade of the office building
  • Eteläranta 10 has modern and comfortable lounges

The main stage of Finnish industry and commerce has undergone remodelling in recent years. Skanska has led contracts encompassing the renovation of almost 16,000 m2 of property into office and conference spaces – serving a modern purpose while keeping with tradition. The building was designed by Viljo Rewell and completed in 1952.

Flexible and efficient construction

Since the first repair contract in 2002, Skanska has acted as the main contractor for numerous renovations on the Eteläranta building. In 2010, the premises in use by Hotel Palace were renovated into office spaces, while a world-class conference center was constructed on the 2nd and 11th floors and the sauna facilities on the 11th floor were modernised.  After these renovations, work has been carried out from floor to floor for the various associations which operate in the property. Contracts have also included the replacement of building technology and machine rooms will be renovated floor by floor with work complete in 2015.  An extensive renovation of the property's facade is planned for spring 2016.

Eteläranta 10 has been in use by associations and the media throughout all of the renovations. For that reason, renovation work has been carried out at unconventional times so that noisy work, for example, has caused as little disruption to property users as possible. The renovations were carried out as cost-and-fee contracts and were completed in a driven and professional manner. The contract model requires a methodical approach, finding the best solutions as work progresses, the ability to make decisions quickly and documentation skills.


Service: Construction, M & E Installations, Refurbishment
Mark segment: Offices
Start date: 2010
Completion date: 2015
Clients: Teollisuuskeskus Oy, Elinkeinoelämän Keskusliitto EK, Teknologiateollisuus ry, Palvelualojen työnantajaliitto, Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys ry, Finatex ry
Country: Finland
City: Helsinki
Project status: Completed