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Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, West Riverfront Park Redevelopment

Social aspects

Community communication

The Nashville Metro Council held over 250 meetings with local community groups during the planning of the project. The park was consequently designed to create an enjoyable space in downtown Nashville for people of all ages and interests.

Local economic benefits

Over 1,500 people worked on the construction site, and the majority of the workforce was from the Nashville area. Around 75 percent of the project’s subcontractors by value were based locally.

Diversified Business Enterprise (DBE) program

Skanska ran a successful DBE program, which hired minority-owned, women-owned and small businesses as subcontractors and vendors for a significant proportion of the project expenditure.The project had the minimum DBE requirement of 20 percent, which was greatly exceeded at 36 percent. The team worked closely with the local authorities to identify DBE firms early in the project, and organized outreach events to meet and encourage DBE companies to support the Riverfront Park project. Major DBE firms included the steel and electrical companies. Skanska also successfully implemented Metro's cancelled check process by working directly with subcontractors to collect invoices and cancelled checks to ensure that every DBE received the amounts discussed in their contract.