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Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, West Riverfront Park Redevelopment

Sustainability and green

For in-depth information on sustainability aspects of this project, please view the related Sustainability case study in PDF.

The amphitheater building is equipped withthree interior recycling stations and two exterior recycling dumpsters in the loading dock. The ticketing and food preparation areas also have large recycling stations. Recycling facilities are designed to receive paper, cardboard, glass, metal and plastics.

Water efficiency

The park is designed to use around 30 percentless potable water than the LEED baseline for the site. The amphitheater building is equipped withwater efficient and low-flow bathroom fixtures. A rainwater harvesting system ensures that no potable water is used for irrigation. Local and native plants and grasses have also been used in the landscaped areas to reduce the demand for irrigation.

Stormwater management

The site has a rainwater harvesting system that collects rainwater from the amphitheatre building and the surrounding hardscape into a 1,500 m3 underground rainwater cistern under the artist wing. The system supplies water to the nighttime irrigation system, and is topped up with groundwater via pumps during periods of low rainfall but when irrigation is required. The park also has a 190 m2 rain garden to allow excess stormwater to infiltrate the ground and reduce stormwater runoff.

Other Green Aspects

Reducing local environmental impacts during construction

The project is adjacent to the Cumberland River,and measures were taken to minimize soil erosion and the possible sedimentation of waterway.Biweekly soil erosion inspections were carried outat least 72 hours apart and rainfall was monitored on a daily basis. Soil erosion and sedimentation were part of worker training, and corrective action was required following maintenance checks and observed deviations from approved practice. Erosion control measures included rain inlet protection and silt fence socks around the perimeter of the site, which allow water to flow through while trapping silt.

Other measures included a wheel wash at the construction entrance/exit, temporary sediment basins and dust control measures. Risks associated with oil spills were mitigated byusing designated refueling stations situated away from drains and watercourses, not storing bulk fuel on site, and regular equipment inspections and maintenance. Spill cleanup kits were located in the Skanska project office, and all subcontractors with equipment onsite were required to have their ownspill kits. A Master Chemical Inventory List specific to the project was kept and updated regularly. Paintbrushes were washed in a designated area and rinsewater contained and disposed of properly.The team also worked to reduce the energy they used on site during construction. For example, energy efficient project lighting was used throughout the site and programmable thermostatswere installed in the Skanska office along with a power down function, which allowed lighting, office equipment and heating to be switched off at night and over the weekend when possible.

Green roofing

The amphitheatre building has 325 m2 of sedum green roofing in total over the back stage area and the ticketing booth. Green roofing provides additional thermal insulation and extends the roof ’s lifespan by protecting it from weathering and UVlight. In addition, roof vegetation can filter airborne pollution and reduce stormwater runoff.

Promoting biodiversity

225 trees have been planted in the park, including 36 different species to promote biodiversity and avaried habitat for urban wildlife. The park is in the process of achieving the status as an arboretum, which requires an exhibit of at least 30 differenttree species according to the Tennessee arboretum standard.

Flood mitigation

The park is at the risk of flooding from the adjacent Cumberland River. Phase 1 of the Riverfront ParkRedevelopment has an integrated flood mitigationwall that is designed to protect parts of downtown Nashville against 500-year flood events. The wall consists of a below-grade seepage cut-offwall that is 2.5 to 10.5 m in depth and has been constructed along the full length of the park. The flood mitigation wall is designed to significantly slow down the underground movement of water in the event of a flood in downtown Nashville. Less than 1 m of the wall is above ground and forms a decorative garden and seat wall capped in limestone.