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Triborough Bridge-Deck Replacement
This Skanska Koch project was the second of two contracts to replace the roadway decks of the Triborough Bridge, Skanska Koch completed the first contract a year earlier. This scope of work included replacement of 480,000 square feet roadway deck of the Randall's Island and Wards Island Approach Viaduct. The bridge deck components consisted of composite units of structural steel and post tensioned lightweight precast concrete. In addition approximately 800 bearings were replaced, 11,000 linear feet of precast concrete barrier was installed and the entire viaduct structure and the underside of the suspended spans were painted.
Service: Construction
Mark segment: Bridges
Start date: 2005
Completion date: 2008
Clients: Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority
Country: United States
City: Queens
Project status: Completed