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Chocen Railway junction

  • Chocen railway station 1

Choceň Railway Junction was awarded the title 2006 Traffic Construction of the year. The railway station is located on Choceň electrified double railway route Prague - Česká Třebova, which is part of First Transit Railway Corridor Děčín - Prague - Břeclav.
The main purpose of the project was to increase the speed of the main and passing tracks up to 160 km / h for vehicles with tilting technology achievement the class load and improve the level and safety of railway transport.



Tomáš Princ Ing.
Oblastní manažer


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Railways
Start date: 2003
Completion date: 2005
Clients: Railway Infrastructure Administration, state organization
Country: Czech Republic
City: Choceň
Contract value: 950 M CZK
Project status: Completed


2006 Traffic Constructin of the Year