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D2 Highway Bratislava, Lamacska cesta - Stare Grunty
Motorway D2 Lamacska cesta - Stare Grunty: motorway D2 with length of 3,3 km, 2 motorway bridges, 3 bridges of city roads, relocations of utility networks and new built utility networks, motorway information system.
The transport corridor to connect Czech Republic with Hungary and Austria via Bratislava was created by the completion this part of D2 motorway.
The project was considered highly technically demanding with extreme requirements on coordination and work management due to volume, construction design, diversity of construction objects, difficult conditions during execution and construction without limits to ongoing traffic.
Service: Construction
Mark segment: Roads, Bridges
Start date: 2003
Completion date: 2008
Clients: Slovak National Highway Association
Country: Slovakia
City: Bratislava
Project status: Completed