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Ravenswood Combined Cycle Power Plant

  • Ravenswood Combined Cycle Power Plant

Skanska was awarded a contract to build a 250 megawatt combined-cycle power plant in Long Island City, N.Y.

The plant uses a combustion turbine generator that outputs 160 megawatts; a heat recovery steam generator; and a 90 megawatt steam turbine generator. The unit adds 12 percent more generating capacity to Ravenswood Station than the previous unit.

The generators produce electric power using technology that is more efficient than existing generators. The unit uses natural gas as a primary fuel and adheres to the latest stringent environmental standards.

Increased efficiency, better technology, use of natural gas and pollution control technologies combine to result in a plant with very low emission rates.

The scope of work for this project included:
· relocation of existing utilities
· demolition and cleanup
· drilling of caissons for the deep pile foundations
· installation of 12,000 cubic yards of concrete foundations
· extensive architectural construction utilizing structural steel
· installation of masonry blocks, acoustical siding, built-up roofing, and associated architectural finishes for the 47,000-square-foot powerhouse building
· installation of a 400 foot-tall, reinforced-concrete stack that features an 18-foot diameter interior wall lined with insulating steel
· installation of the gas insulated station

Among the notable features of this project is an 18-cell, air-cooled condenser. Due to space limitations, the unit is located on the roof of the facility. Because of the additional weight, larger caissons and structural steel components were needed.


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Power
Start date: 2001
Completion date: 2004
Clients: KeySpan Energy Development Corporation
Country: United States
City: Long Island City
Project status: Completed