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Suffolk Bypass

  • Suffolk Bypass

On this $39M project for VDOT, Skanska constructed 13 bridges, 1 box culvert and 2.7 miles of limited access highway. The construction quantities included 25,000 linear feet of 18 inch precast concrete piles, 70,000 linear feet of 12 inch precast and pipe piles, 1 million cubic yards of fill dirt, 10,000 cubic yards of concrete, 1,500 tons of structural steel, 60,000 tons of asphalt, a temporary construction causeway across Lake Kilby, and the creation of a 12-acre mitigation site.


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Bridges
Start date: 2000
Completion date: 2003
Clients: Virginia Department of Transportation
Country: United States
City: Suffolk
Project status: Completed