Bromma Blocks, Hangar 3
Our assignment
The project was implemented using a partnering model, which meant that Skanska and KF Fastigheter collaborated, developing solutions together to make the project as cost-effective as possible.
This collaboration was initiated in autumn 2006 with preliminary studies, inventories and programming where we worked together with KF Fastigheter and design architects to formulate the product and determine a fixed budget for the project. In September 2010, Bromma Blocks was ready.
Major foundation work
Construction was initiated in June 2008, when we completed major foundation work. The hanger is located on an old seabed and is, as our geotechnical engineer put it, “geotechnically interesting”. The groundwater runs just one meter below the surface in a thick layer of clay that has the same consistency as crème fraiche.
While when taken individually none of the geotechnical challenges were particularly complex, the combination of challenges in one and the same area made the project a considerable challenge requiring the involvement of numerous experts. Through our early awareness of these conditions, we were able to plan around them and ensure that we had the appropriate expertise in place.
The fact that the structure was a listed historical building had a big impact on the project and had to be factored in along with building act legislation and architectural goals. Among other things, we replaced the glass sections so that the building would be more energy efficient and be classified as a GreenBuilding. The appearance and grouping of the new glass sections is as similar to the original sections as was technically possible. Sheet glass was used to retain the original character of the façade. The hangar’s unique space, hangar doors and load-bearing construction remain, preserving the historic atmosphere.
Work coordinated in 3D
3D rendering comprised an important tool both during the planning phase and for demonstrating and coordinating various operations. For example, all ceiling installations on the lower level, where existing beams made conduits along the length of the building impossible due to demands on ceiling heights. When everyone has a clear picture of what is going to be done, the work flows much more smoothly. We have even experimented with 4D, i.e. adding in the element of time to clarify our planning and the advance of the project.
Introductory courses for all employees
Planning, regulations, technology and machinery are not everything, however. In a large project like this, a lot depends on everyone having a clear and common goal. Just imagine a workplace with 300 new employees and then the challenge becomes clear.
Consequently, a team contract was drawn up at an early stage between Skanska and KF Fastigheter. The contract spelled out the project goals and how we were going to work to achieve them. This was then disseminated to both skilled tradesmen and office workers, including through the introductory classes that everybody, including subcontractors, attended.
Examples of other important building blocks included the rapid dissemination of information, safety training, job satisfaction and an open atmosphere. Combined, they generated a positive force with high satisfaction, where safety risks were reported and quickly rectified, and where the right information reached the right individuals. John Möllerberg was Project Manager for the construction project.
“Communication has been a big challenge. Much of my job involves ensuring that the right people get the right amount of the right information. It’s fun when you see that things are working, when you put together a team that works well and enjoys their job.”
Safety in focus
Everyone who worked on the project completed safety training. We also worked hard to create an open climate where workers report faults – for example when a safety railing is missing – and then we worked quickly to resolve these faults.
Information is oftentimes in short supply, which is why we set up TV displays that were able to quickly disseminate important information to office workers and tradesmen. This was a simple measure that yielded excellent results. We also invested in a defibrillator that we are extremely happy that we never had to use.
With these preparatory efforts we, together with the tradesmen and subcontractors, ensured that the right approach to safety was disseminated throughout the project, as well as ensured that we performed our tasks with the appropriate level of quality and productivity. During our pre-task planning, we were assisted greatly by 3D project planning in visualizing and planning our work.
In the words of our client
“Thanks to knowledgeable and committed employees, Skanska has contributed greatly to the implementation of Bromma Blocks, Hanger 3, without any major disruptions, while holding project costs within the desired range.”
Claes Pernling, Head Project Manager at KF Fastigheter