Entré Lindhagen
Our assignment
In early 2014, Skanska and Nordea moved to Entré Lindhagen. Skanska implemented the project in its entirety from acquisition of the property through local planning and investment to leasing and construction.
The building has a total size of 83,500 square meters, of which offices and restaurants account for 55,000 square meters. The building comprises ten stories, including four in the basement.
Everything we do is characterized by environmental consideration. The actual construction process was green and the finished building is extremely energy-efficient.
Smart energy solutions keep running costs low for the tenants. For example, there is automated control of lighting. Flexible floor plans that keep remodeling costs low are also good for the tenants.
Skanska is also building 165 cooperatively owned housing units.
Coordinating 3D drawings
To streamline the building process, we included BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the project. This was done early in the planning when a 3D model was used as the basis of all the drawings. In the model, the models from the architects and designers were coordinated with the various installations. Since everything was visible in the same model, we were able to identify collisions and prevent these before they became actual problems.
Mobile units used during inspections
To enhance the efficiency of work on sites, inspections and rounds have been conducted using mobile units. In this manner, all possible remarks are visible directly in Skanska’s internal portal, thus making follow-up easy.
During the move to Entré Lindhagen, the 3D model was used to visualize parts of the move. This helped us provide employees with the opportunity to become familiar with the office already prior to the move (See animation by clicking on “Film” above).
The construction process
Work commenced by demolishing the old and barren office complex that was on the site when we acquired the property.
Narrow space requires good planning
“Entré Lindhagen is a logistical challenge. When building such a large project as this in an inner-city location surrounded by traffic, offices and housing, logistics is extremely important. Everything is cramped, which places meticulous demands on thorough coordination and planning,” relates Magnus Hellsten, Project Manager for Entré Lindhagen.
Contact with the neighbors was important and traffic in the area had to work. Another company was building on the adjacent site, and the city is planning for infrastructure initiatives and new builds. All contact with neighbors and the City Planning Office has worked well.
Henrik Samrell, Project Manager for the actual construction work, agrees and explains that the size of the project was the second real challenge.
“A large building that had to be completed in a short time. That required a lot of coordination. Thorough planning was also needed to ensure that we had the right staffing throughout the construction period.”
Focus on safety
“We performed many different types of work in the same area, which meant that the work environment and safety were subject to stringent requirements. Among other assignments, this meant that we focused really intently on pre-task planning, which required planning the works together with the contractor assigned to do the work,” says Magnus Hellsten.
“Every morning started with a meeting that we call a toolbox talk. We jointly identified potential risk aspects of the work to be performed during the particular day. It was essential to get a safety culture and safety thinking as an integral part of everyone engaged in the project.”
Once a month, an information letter was sent to residents and companies in the area explaining what was happening in the project. We also minimized third-party risks by preventing unauthorized parties from entering the site. A guard by the gate checked everyone entering the construction site and guided vehicles to the right place.
The building consists of a prefabricated steel and concrete frame, with sandwich elements in the facade; it is ten stories high. It is light and airy, with windows that admit a lot of light, without simultaneously letting in heat and cold. The facade toward Essingeleden and Lindhagensgatan is equipped with spectacular aluminum facade raster features, which serve as an integrated sunscreen.
The project in figures
- the entire building comprises 83,500 square meters, including the garage.
- 55,000 square meters of office space can be leased.
- 10 stories, including four in the basement
- 50 percent below the National Board of Building, Planning and Housing’s energy requirement.
- The building that was demolished weighed 85,000 tons.
- 95 weight percent of the demolished building was recycled.