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New Karolinska Solna

  • Nya Karolinska Solna
  • New Karolinska Solna
  • Intensive care room – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Hygiene room – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • View from corridor over intensive care room – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Corridor over intensive care – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Corridor outside the ward department view of installation shafts – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Corridor view towards the administration area – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Art installation lightning shaft – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Art installation lightning shaft – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Kitchen patient food – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Reception – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Administration area – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Administration area – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • PNA – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Stairwell – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Stairwell from corridor – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • AGV robots 26 – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Washing machines – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Heating and cooling system – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Heating and cooling system – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Art installations Emergency department – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Reception Emergency department – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • Reception Emergency department – Photographer Kristoffer Marchi
  • New Karolinska Solna
  • New Karolinska Solna

World-class university hospital

The first patients arrived at New Karolinska Solna (NKS) at the end of November 2016 and are offered customized care in one of the world's most sustainable university hospitals. New Karolinska Solna is Skanska's largest project ever and is being operated and financed under a public-private-partnership.
New Karolinska Solna is being developed with a focus on patients. This means that everything from architectural plans to the operation of the completed hospital are based on patients' privacy, safety and comfort. All patients receives a single room and are offered what is known as thematic care, meaning that a team of medical experts and specialists will work together to treat them in their rooms, rather than requiring them to be transferred between hospital departments for different therapies.

Increased proximity between research and care

The association with Karolinska Institute, one of the world's leading medical universities, is given high priority, bringing the two institutions even closer to one another, on either side of Solnavägen. Through increased proximity, new research from the university will be incorporated into daily work at the hospital faster, in the form of clinical trials, enhanced working methods or new medication.

Green throughout

The entire construction production have been a green workplace, featuring environmentally compatible solutions for amenities such as transportation and waste management. The completed hospital are one of the world’s first university hospitals to be environmentally certified within two different certifications.  Both gold level in Environmentally Classified Building standard and gold level in the LEED international certification system. Energy supplies will also be environmentally compatible, in the form of onsite production of geothermal heating and other renewable energy.

Long-term approach through public-private-partnership

With a contract value of SEK 14.5 billion, New Karolinska Solna is one of Skanska’s largest project ever and is being conducted in partnership with the British investment fund Innisfree. The project is an example of a public-private-partnership (PPP), which aims to create added-value to projects compared with traditional procurement processes. The basis is a long-term agreement between the public sector as the customer and a private party as the contractor. For New Karolinska Solna, Skanska and Innisfree will be in charge of financing, construction, building, and the operation and maintenance of the new hospital until 2040.

Timeframe for completion of the hospital

Building Completion:
1. Garage Car Park  December 2012
2. Technological Building  May 2014
3. Hospital Part 1  Start of Operations 2016
4. Garage July 2017
5. Research Laboratory  September 2017
6. Hospital Part 2 October 2017
7. Treatment building December 2017


Project Goals

1. Health care, research and education shall be integrated to such an extent that they efficiently support the development and dissemination of knowledge for the treatment of severely ill and injured patients.
2. The project shall create attractive and humane environments with high architectural values, both within and around the hospital.
3. The health care processes shall be made more efficient, and the utilization of resources shall be optimized.
4. The project shall work as much as possible with generally applicable solutions permitting continuous operational development.
5. The hospital and its activities shall be allotted a prioritized and clear role in the city.
6. The project shall work on all levels from a sustainability perspective.


Katarina Monhagen


Service: Construction, Public Private Partnerships
Mark segment: Hospitals, Medical, healthcare and welfare
Concept: Building Information Modeling/ Virtual Design & Construction
Start date: 2010
Completion date: 2017
Clients: Stockholms läns landsting
Country: Sweden
City: Solna
Contract value: 14.5 billion SEK
OM/FM period: 2012 - 2040
Concession period: 2010 - 2040
Project status: Completed

