United States Courthouse, Jacksonville, FL
Skanska provided preconstruction and construction management services for the new courthouse which houses the U.S. Court of Appeals (circuit court), U.S. District Court and Clerk of Court, U.S.Magistrate Court, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, U.S. Tax Court, U.S.Marshals Service, U.S. Attorney's office, U.S. Probation office, U.S. Pretrial and the General Services Administration. Included are eighteen total courtrooms comprised of: seven District Courtrooms, one Circuit Courtroom, one Special Proceedings Courtroom, four Magistrate Courtrooms, one Tax Courtroom and four Bankruptcy Courtrooms. These spaces are accompanied by both traditional and collegial style judges' chambers, jury deliberation areas, jury assembly and two grand jury suites, holding cells and other associated judicial and court support areas. The 14-story reinforced concrete structure was the second federal courthouse to be built with GSA's new blast resistant and progressive collapse criteria. It was the first courthouse in the United States to have an Anthrax/Airborne evacuation containment system located in the building’s main mailroom.