7 Line Extension Systems and Finishes
Skanska/ Railworks joint-venture has been awarded the $513 million project for the Finishing and Systems Project of the #7 Line Extension to the West Side of Manhattan. The major items of work for the project include the construction of a new ventilation building at 26th St and Eleventh Ave., complete outfitting of three soon to be completed ventilation facilities along the new route, completion of the new 34th St Station, Entrance and Mezzanine areas with high end architectural finishes, ventilation, lighting and communications. Additional work items include new tunnel lighting, ventilation and fire protection, new LVT (low vibration track) from the existing Times Square Station to 25th Street and Eleventh Ave. complete with Third Rail, Signals, Traction Power. The culmination of this contract will finally provide passenger train service to the west side of Manhattan.
The new 34th St Station will be the first brand new state of the art station built for the NYCT in the last 25 years. With both an upper and lower mezzanine, this station will utilize high end finishes such as stainless steel ceiling andwall panels, granite tile, superior lighting, and high efficiency heating and air conditioning.
To access this station, passengers will have many choices, from wide stairways, escalators, elevators and the first ever “inclined elevator” imported from Italy. Other work on this project includes the construction of a new ventilation structure at 26th
St and Eleventh Ave. This above and below grade structure will house just some of the large fans required to provide ventilation to the southern portion of this project. This structure was designed for “over build” in anticipation for future development of the site. Other soon to be completed ventilation structures will also be “fitting out” with ventilation equipment which will provide the much needed ventilation to the 1.5 miles of underground tunnels.
To ensure a smooth ride for its passengers, NYCT has designated the use of Low Vibration Track (LVT) for this new extension to the Number 7 Line. This LVT, use predominantly in Europe, will be used for only the 4th time in the entire NYC subway system which encompasses thousands of miles of track. This highly specialized track is constructed by utilizing concrete ties incased in a rubber boot instead of the standard wood ties. The rubber boot reduces the amount of vibration transmitted from the running rail to the wheels of the passenger cars. To support this new LVT, Third Rail, Switches, Signal System, Communication and Traction Power is required. The new electrical systems will be encased in concrete running on both sides of both tunnels for the full length of the Project.
Along with the 14,000 linear feet of LVT, all the necessary lighting, fire protection, and tunnel ventilation for life support will be installed.
The joint venture is excited to be associated with completing the Number 7 Line Extension. With the cooperation of all parties, especially NYCT and HYDC, we look forward to bringing revenue service to Manhattan’s West Side.