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Reconstruction of the voivodship road No. 881 on the section Lancut - Kanczuga

  • Voivodeship road No. 881, section Lancut - Kanczuga
  • Voivodeship road No. 881, section Lancut - Kanczuga
  • Voivodeship road No. 881, section Lancut - Kanczuga
  • Bridge in Sonina in route of voivodeship road No. 881

In 2010 Skanska completed modernization 16-kilometers long  section of the provincial road No. 881 between Lancut and Kanczuga. This investment with total gross amount of more than 41 mln zloty was realized for our regular customer – Voivodeship Roads Management in Rzeszow. 

Within the project we widened the road from 6 km before the reconstruction to 7 km after, we strengthened the pavement construction to the load of 115kN/ax, we replaced damaged road surface. We rebuilt 19 crossroads with the local roads, modernized property and unsealed roads exits. They were lined with the paving bricks, asphaltic concrete or cement treated aggregate. 

We built 8 bus bays along with the sidewalks. In hazardous location and at the road bends energy-consuming steel barriers were installed. We have completed drainage works, sidewalks, culverts, road markings and we set over 130 new road signs.

This investment (lasted for 22 months) also included reconstruction of the 13-meter long bridge in Sonina and repair three small other bridges. Their total length is more than 40 m.

Benefits for the community

Repaired by Skanska part of a route connects tha national Road No. 4 Rzeszów – Korczowa with the provincial road No. 835 Lublin – Grabownica Starzeńska and provides an alternative route from Łańcut to Przemyśl. Contract was realized in the łańcucki and przeworski county what improved the quality of communication links and also gained the opportunity of economy and tourist development. Route repair significantly affected comfort and increased capacity and at the same time helped to improve safety and reduce travel time.

Technical data/information:

  • section lenght: 16,38 km
  • bridges: 4
  • earthworks: 61,6 thousand of cubic metres   
  • surface: 49 thousand of tons


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Asphalt works, Bridges, Roads
Start date: 2008
Completion date: 2010
Clients: Podkarpacki Zarząd Dróg Wojewódzkich w Rzeszowie
Country: Poland
City: Łańcut
Project status: Completed