Based on our know-how of civil engineering and tunneling as well as the latest technologies, we are able to deliver projects of all kinds within water and waste water treatment. By working closely with our customers, partners and supply-chain, we reduce carbon footprint and deliver cost benefits. Below is a selection of projects from the water sector.
54 items
Packhuskajen, Göteborg, Sweden
150-year-old quay is being renovated In Gothenburg, Skanska is renovating Packhuskajen. The quay stretches from Stora Bommen and eastwards towards Jussi Björling's place at the Göteborg Opera. The...
Modernization of the flood banks of the river Widawa in Wroclaw, Poland
The modernization of the Widawa River embankments protects the residents of the Wroclaw agglomeration from flooding. The investment we carried out is the final stage of the modernization of the...
Täby Park, Sweden
One of Sweden's largest urban developments Täby Park is one of the largest urban developments in Sweden. A completely new neighborhood is built on the former horse race track next to the shopping...
Catskill/Delaware UV Water Treatment Plant, United States
This $1.1 billion contract, for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, was awarded to the joint venture of Skanska USA Civil Northeast, ECCO III Enterprises, and J.F. White. The...
Waste Management Centre „Selekt” in Piotrów Pierwszy, Poland
Scope of the investment works included execution of construction and assembly works, i.e. erection of buildings, umbrella roofs and fire-fighting water tanks as well as water supply networks,...
Expansion of Norra Hamnen, Sweden
Modern logistics facility enables climate-smart freight transport The expansion of the Norra Hamnen area in Malmö was completed in April 2011. Following two intensive years of construction, this...
Modernization of sewage treatment plant in Jelenia Góra, Poland
We modernized the sewage treatment plant to increase its capacity, improve sewage quality and adapt the facility to Polish and European environment protection requirements. The project included a...
Outdoor swimming pools complex in Drzonków, Poland
The object features outdoor swimming pool including swimming pool of 50x25 m and variable depth from 2,0 to 2,1 m, realized in monolithic reinforced concrete structure with ceramic lining and...
Slakthusområdet E101, Stockholm, Sweden
A fossil-free construction site Slakthusområdet, in southern Stockholm, is being transformed into an entirely new district. This area, which is over 100 years old, is getting a makeover and is bein...
Modernization of Stary Port pumping station and wastewater transfering system, Poland
Modernization of Stary Port pumping station required construction of wastewater pumping station with maximum capacity of 79 056 m³/ day for dry weather pumps and maximum 321 062 m³/day for wet pump...
Newtown Creek (35-G) North and North Central Batteries, United States
Skanska USA Civil Northeast led the joint venture that was awarded this $680 million contract from New York City Department of Environmental Protection for a project to upgrade and expand the Newto...
Combined Heat & Power Plant (CHP) System, United States
$95 million replacement and expansion of an existing co-generation plant with a new 13.4 megawatt (MW) facility consisting of two gas turbine generators with boiler units (heat recovery steam...
Construction of the Pelplin bypass, Poland
The Pelplin bypass has joined country road No. 1 with the A-1 motorway, along the voivodeship road No. 229. The bypass, 4,3 km in length, starts with a roundabout in the suburbs on the side of the...
Flood protection facility for Młynówka, Opole, Poland
The project ensured complex flood protection for Opole. The contract works included rebuilding of the river bed and inter-levee strip - 3 km in length We have also modernized additional hydraulic...
Recovery of waste water treatment plant infrastructure after flood in Tarnobrzeg, Poland
In May and June 2010 waste water treatment plant as well as sanitary sewerage system within five housing estates in Tarnobrzeg were flooded by a wave which was even 2 meters high in places. The flo...
U.S. Department of Energy Hanford 200 West Pump and Treat Facility, United States
$100 million, 128,100-SF treatment facility was designed to be the largest treatment system for contaminated groundwater to date. At completion, it will pump contaminated water from the ground and...
Expansion and modernization of waste water treatment plant in Przemyśl, Poland
Expansion and modernization of waste water treatment plant in Przemyśl was executed, while the plant was in operation. The contract executed by a consortium included construction of a new sediment...
Improvement of anti-flood protection in Lewin Brzeski on the Nysa Kłodzka river, Poland
Before we started realization works, the bed of the Nysa Kłodzka river was strongly silted up above the level of solid weir. The river had at that time flow capacity of 70÷80m³/s. Flows of the...
Gibson Station, FGD Retrofit, United States
This FGD retrofit included installation of major piping systems - water, fire protection, service air and chemical feed. In addition, Skanska erected the water treatment building and installed the...
Bridgwater storm water shaft, United Kingdom
Wessex Water’s Burnham-on-Sea Bathing Water Improvement scheme was a £39million project to upgrade sewerage infrastructure, with the aim of improving water quality for the seaside town of...
Water supply network with service lines on the territory of Otwock, Poland
From April 2008 to October 2010 on the territory of Otwock Skanska realized water supply lines, distribution water supply network as well as water supply connections. Length of water supply network...
NIT South Renovation, United States
Skanska USA Civil Southeast Inc. was awarded this $83 million waterfront project to reconstruct 4,230 linear feet of an existing wharf facility in four phases. All work was performed within the...
Cumming Advanced Water Reclamation Plant, United States
The city of Cumming, Ga., selected Skanska to expand and upgrade its Advanced Water Reclamation Facility from a capacity of 3 million gallons per day to 8 million gallons per day. The contract was...
F. Wayne Hill Water Treatment Plant, United States
Gwinnett County, Ga., is one of the fastest growing regions in the United States. It saw the need for an expanded wastewater treatment facility even as Phase I of the original plant was being...
First Street Tunnel, United States
The Skanska-led joint venture is performing a $157 million contract for D.C. Water for the design and construction of the First Street Tunnel in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C.’s...
Slussen, Stockholm, Sweden
The bridge over Slussen On behalf of the City of Stockholm, we are building a steel bridge that is 140 meters long, 45 meters wide, with a varying height of one to seven meters and weighing about...
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, New Headquarters Building, United States
Skanska provided design-build services for a new headquarters building and site-related improvements for the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority. The office building, located next to the...
Indoor swimming pool "Fregata" in Kolbuszowa, Poland
In the years 2006-2010 Skanska realized indoor swimming pool "Fregata" in Kolbuszowa. This modern object houses three pools: recreation pool, sports pool and a smaller basin designed for swimming...
Activation of mountain region around Świętokrzyski National Park, Poland
The project entitled “Development of Świętokrzyski National Park” included four sewage collectors, two waste water treatment plants and three retention tanks. The facilities are located in...
Construction of carriageway of eastern provincial road Bielany-Lany- Dlugoleka, Poland
Eastern Ring Road Wroclaw is the first section of the Connector Aglomeration A4-S8, also known as an eastern provincial road Bielany-Łany-Długołęka. The length of the whole route is 5,6 km. It is...
State road No 18 Olszyna-Golnice, Poland
State road No 18 is rated among main Polish roads of industrial and tourist significance. It connects A4 motorway with border crossing in Olszyna. Skanska received an order for realization of two...
Thames Water, United Kingdom
Skanska joined MWH and Balfour Beatty (SMB) in a joint venture as design and build partner for Thames Water’s £2billion AMP6 (Asset Management Plan) eight2o alliance. The SMB joint venture brought...
South District Wastewater Treatment Plant (Miami), United States
Skanska has constructed this $92.7 million South District Wastewater Treatment Plant, HDL Upgrade to 285 MGD, Secondary Clarifier Additions and Improvements. The work included construction of fou...
Saltkajen, Stockholm, Sweden
Large development project in Norra Djurgårdsstaden Skanska has been commissioned by the City of Stockholm to build the new Saltkajen in Norra Djurgårdsstaden, Stockholm. The assignment includes the...
Construction of the road S-8 between Wroclaw-Psie Pole-Sycow, second phase connecting Olesnica, Poland
The value of the project, being built within the frameowrk „Design and build” is over 468,6 mln zloty. Skanska’s task was to schedule subcontracting projects for all of the construction work and to...
Skellefteå Site East, Skellefteå, Sweden
Our most sustainable development project Skellefteå Site East is a development project for new industrial plots that Skanska runs on behalf of Skellefteå Municipality. Conditions are created to mee...
Rome Water Pollution Control Plant, United States
The city of Rome, Ga., has more than doubled its capacity to treat water from 23 million gallons per day to a maximum of 54 million gallons per day. Skanska procured, installed and commissioned...
Newtown Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, United States
Skanska managed New York City’s $493 million upgrade to its largest wastewater treatment plant. The Newtown Creek Water Pollution Control Plant expanded capacity from 1.2 million to 1.8 million cub...
Pumping Stations G-370 / G-372, United States
Skanska built two pumping stations in Palm Beach County, Fla. for use by the South Florida Water Management District to improve water quality in the Everglades. The Skanska team built the pumping...
West Area Combined Sewer Overflow Facility, United States
Skanska was awarded a $47 million contract from the city of Atlanta to construct the new West Area Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Facility. Overflow from combined sewers, which carry wastewater and...
Hallandsås, Sweden
Sweden’s longest rail tunnel emerges on the west coast The Swedish Transport Administration has commissioned Skanska-Vinci to complete the construction of the tunnel through the Hallandsås Ridge,...
Construction of technological infrastructure and roads in the Kleszczów Industrial Area, Poland
Between March 2009 and October 2010 Skanska realized an investment in the IV Kleszczów Industrial Area consisting in construction of technical infrastructure and roads in Bogumiłów. Our investor wa...
Võru linna reoveepuhasti projekteerimis- ja ehitustööd
Emajõe ja Võhandu jõe valgala veemajandusprojekti raames tehti Võru reoveepuhasti projekteerimis- ja ehitustöid ning rajati veetöötluse kaugjuhtimissüsteem.
Võru Taara piirkonna vee- ja kanalisatsioonitorustiku ehitus ja rekonstrueerimine
Emajõe-Võhandu alamvesikonna vee- ja kanalisatsioonirajatiste rekonstrueerimine ja laiendamine Võru ja Antsla linnas. Vee- ja kanalisatsioonitrasside ehitus. Veetorustike ehitamine, kanalisatsiooni...
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, United Kingdom
Skanska worked as a capital delivery partner for Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water during the AMP6 and AMP7 (Asset Management Plan) periods. Working in partnership with Arcadis, we took a collaborative approac...
Anglian Water @one Alliance, United Kingdom
Skanska’s long association with Anglian Water began in 2000 during the Asset Management Programme (AMP) 3 period and we became part of Anglian Water’s @one Alliance in 2005. The @one Alliance...
Bulwary Wiślane in Kraków, Poland
Our investment was aimed at protecting Kraków against flood by heightening and modernizing the existing levees and embankments between Kościuszko and Dąbie stage of fall as well as backwater areas ...
White water canoeing course in Kraków, Poland
The white water canoeing course in Krakow was build in record time. It is the most modern such facility in Europe and third in the world. The course allows changing difficulty class and regulating...
Ten Mile Creek Water Preserve, United States
Skanska completed the first stage of the Everglades Restoration Project with the construction of a $34 million water preserve in Florida’s Ten Mile Creek water basin. The St. Lucie County project w...
BSH Logistics Centre, Poland
The investment was realized in D&B formula. The design was developed by Design Office in Skanska General Construction Branch in Łódź. Project realization included extension of finished product...
Construction of sewerage and water supply systems in the community of Żywiec, Poland
We realized over 55 km of gravity sewerage system, 15 pumping stations and 7 km of pressure sewerage system in the Żywiec community, most of which (more than 20 km of sewerage system and 5 pumping...
Construction of water supply network and sewerage system in Kowary, Poland
The contract included construction of sanitary gravity sewerage system in housing estates: Podgórze, Wojków, Krzaczyna and the Centre of total length over 38 km and realization of sanitary sewerage...
Croton Water Filtration Plant, United States
It seems fitting that Skanska’s largest project in the U.S. is set to be one of the main facilities to supply 10 percent of New York City with its drinking water. Upon completion, the Croton Water...
Reconstruction and modernization of waste water treatment plant in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Poland
In October 2012 Skanska completed reconstruction works at the waste water treatment plant in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. Modernization of the plant was necessary due to the increasing amount of waste...