1999-12-15 16:15 CET
Ett stort kontorsområde, som inriktats på att erbjuda kunderna hög säkerhet, kommer att byggas i närheten av Helsingfors internationella flygplats. Projektet kommer att genomföras av marknads- och utvecklingsbolaget Turvalaakso Kiinteistöt Oy, som ägs gemensamt av Bank of Finland och Skanska Oy. Företaget har byggrätter på 60 000 kvadratmeter kontorsyta och det totala värdet för projektet kommer att uppgå till ca 700 miljoner SEK. Byggarbetet kan inledas hösten 2000 när nödvändiga planändringar har blivit godkända.
Press release, December 14, 1999
Specialising in the office market goes on Turvalaakso (Security Valley), an office building area offering top level security will be constructed in Vantaa
A large office building area, the first in Finland specialising in rendering security services of top quality to companies will be constructed close to the Helsinki-Vantaa airport. The safety solutions of the area comprise structural prevention, technical shielding, extensive surveillance day and night as well as top level data security of the information systems. The area called Turvalaakso is designed to be especially suitable for technology companies. The project is carried out by the marketing and development company, Turvalaakso Kiinteistöt Oy, jointly owned by the Bank of Finland and Skanska Etelä-Suomi Oy.
Turvalaakso will be constructed in Viinikkala, Vantaa amid the III beltway, Katriinantie and Suometsäntie. Already now Setec Oy (formerly Bank of Finland Security Printing House) and Mint of Finland Ltd (Rahapaja Oy) carry out their activities in the area owned by the Bank of Finland. The synergy effect of their high level security systems can be made use of for solutions of the new company area. The construction can be started in the autumn of 2000 when the change in the area plan has been confirmed.
Turvalaakso has a permitted building volume of some 60,000 floor square meters. The total value of the project exceeds FIM 500 million. Offices of different sizes according to the companies´ needs will be constructed in the area. The construction work can proceed in stages thus providing the possibility to extend the offices during the project. The offices can be acquired either by leasing or by constructing them into one’s possession.
"In addition to security, companies will benefit from the excellent location. Turvalaakso is easy to reach via the III beltway, the airport is close by, there is ample parking space and the area benefits of well organised public transport services. Services of Turvalaakso are continuously developed to promote company activities and job satisfaction", the managing director Risto Linnankoski from Turvalaakso Kiinteistöt Oy says.
Distinction and high quality services to companies
In addition to security, the design of Turvalaakso is focused on distinction and a continuous development of the premises as well as rendering services according to the needs of the customer companies. The architect’s office Hannu Jaakkola Oy is responsible for the design of Turvalaakso.
Architecturally Turvalaakso forms an original entity. The office buildings situated fan-like around the water pool constructed in the middle of the area form a visual and functioning whole. The compact structure of the area and similar needs of the companies provide the possibility to render many special high level services.
Active support by the city of Vantaa
In addition to the Bank of Finland and Skanska, the city of Vantaa is backing Turvalaakso. It sees Turvalaakso as an essential part of the Airport City project creating opportunities for business activities at the junction of excellent air and land communications. Nearly 500 companies are already carrying out business in the vicinity of the Helsinki-Vantaa airport.
In the future Turvalaakso companies can make use of the Tikkurilantie prolongation now under planning which offers a direct route from Turvalaakso to the airport in addition to the III beltway. The city of Vantaa has also started the planning of the Marjarata railway leading to the airport.
In addition to the good transport connections, shopping and hotel services of the Vantaa area centre which are under continuous development can be made use of in Turvalaakso. Intensive residential building construction is under way in the neighbourhood. During the coming years about ten thousand high standard terrace houses and small-size apartment buildings will be built in the Pakkala, Ylästö and Kartanonkoski area, for instance.
Further information:
Risto Linnankoski, Managing Director, Turvalaakso Kiinteistöt Oy Tel. +358 9 6152 2722, e-mail:
Pentti Koivikko, Director, Bank of Finland Tel. +358 9 183 2006, e-mail:
Turvalaakso Kiinteistöt Oy is a marketing and development company owned by the Bank of Finland and Skanska Oy. The company will be responsible for the marketing of Turvalaakso office premises which will be constructed in Viinikkala, Vantaa. The responsibility also covers development of the office buildings including services