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Växjö station and town hall, Växjö

  • Wood is an important building material in the newly built town hall. With solar cells on the roof and daylight, it also provides a good indoor environment. The building meets the requirements for the certification Miljöbyggnad Gold. Photo: Skanska
  • In Växjö, Skanska has built Växjö station and town hall.
  • The station and the town hall are built according to the certification Miljöbyggnad, level Gold.
  • Wood is sensitive to moisture and rot. During the construction of Växjö station and town hall, weather protection was used in the form of a giant tent that kept the workplace dry. Photo: Växjö Municipality
  • Building high constructions of wood involves some challenges.
  • In the office section of the building there are about 600 workplaces.
  • In February 2021, Växjö station and town hall were completed.
  • Beams, wooden beams and other materials could be delivered, unloaded and mounted under the giant tent, which meant that the wood was never exposed to moisture. The weather protection also offered a good working climate for everyone at the construction site. Photo: Skanska
  • Wood has many environmental benefits as a building material as it is fully renewable and binds carbon dioxide. Photo: Växjö Municipality
  • The weather protection saved time. As the workplace was under a roof, it was possible to work in parallel processes, with installation of interior walls and exterior walls, as well as installation work at the same time. Photo: Växjö Municipality
  • Växjö station and town hall consist of a large amount of wood. With solar cells on the roof and daylight, it provides a good indoor environment. The building meets the requirements for Miljöbyggnad Gold.
  • Under the tall tent in the middle of the city, the construction of Växjö station and town hall was taking place. The dry workplace enabled good and time-saving logistics.
  • The construction work under the weather protection, visible all over the city, was of great interest to municipal residents as well as researchers, architects and other construction contractors.
  • The solution with weather protection in the form of a giant tent – and traverses that lift all building materials into place – is unique to the project Växjö station and town hall.
  • Växjö station and town hall was a partnering project between Skanska and the client Vöfab. This means common goals for finance, communication and organization.

A signature building in wood

In Växjö, Skanska has built Växjö station and town hall. The building, which is 16,400 square meters, contains modern workplaces for the municipality's employees and a station with a waiting room as well as shops and restaurants.

Växjö's new meeting place

Skanska and Vöfab have developed the project in partnering. The wooden building with two sloping facades and large areas in glass has quickly become Växjö's new meeting place and signature building.

The town hall is 13,770 square meters and there are about 600 workplaces and several common areas. The station building is 1,850 square meters and the building's remaining 780 square meters consist of a public meeting place for residents and visitors called Växjö's living room.

Unique wooden building

In April 2018, construction began on Växjö station and town hall. The building is one of its kind as it is mostly built of wood. However, this has led to some challenges as wood is a living material; movements and deformations can occur. In addition, wood is sensitive to moisture. To reduce the risk of moisture damage during the construction process, we decided early on to use weather protection.

Weather protection with built-in traverses

In April 2019, the weather protection from Denmark was installed. The protection had built-in traverses in the roof, which made it easier to lift all building materials into place. The weather protection covered the entire project and has protected the construction from weather and wind. In addition, the work environment has become much more comfortable for the employees on site. The weather protection was removed when the facade was finished, in the spring of 2020.

Seven storeys high

Växjö station and town hall, which is seven storeys high, has been built with pillars and beams of glulam. The exterior has a double glass facade while the basement and stairwells are concrete.

Miljöbyggnad, level Gold

The station and town hall is built according to the certification Miljöbyggnad, level Gold. To reach this high level, requirements are made on everything from daylight, radon and energy consumption to moisture-proof construction, a good indoor climate and environmentally approved choices of building materials.

The building's wooden frame also has a lower energy consumption than what is required in building regulations by the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning.

Completed in February 2021

In February 2021, Växjö station and town hall was completed. In May, the town hall was inaugurated, and in August the station opened up for travelers.


Marcus Heiman
Region Hus Sydost


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Offices, Railway/subway stations, Transportation hubs
Start date: 2018
Completion date: 2021
Clients: Vöfab
Country: Sweden
City: Växjö
Project status: Completed