Internal measures
Specific anti-corruption risks are reviewed as part of our ethics risk assessment program. All business units are asked to perform an ethics risk assessment every second year to ensure that they identify and mitigate risks relevant to their specific operations. Mitigation measures are decided and implemented with the approval and oversight of the management teams. An assurance review is held every second year to monitor progress on the planned activities to counter corruption and other ethics-related risks.
External engagement
We are always working toward a corruption-free society. We engage with organizations who are working to combat corruption and its effects on society.
We have been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact since 2000. In 2004, we were one of the founders of the World Economic Forum Partnering Against Corruption Initiative. We are a member of Transparency International and follow its guidelines. We also, as a company head-quartered in Stockholm, follow the Code of Gifts, Rewards and other Benefits in Business, from the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute.