
Develop and use insights that drive climate action

We share insights and take part in cross industry collaborations to develop solutions that reduce the climate impact of the built environment. By encouraging sustainable public procurement and financial models, transparency around climate emissions, as well as the use of digital tools, we drive actions to reduce carbon emissions.

Our approach

Our long-term target is to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in our own operations and in the value chain by 2045. This is in line with the Paris Agreement, and has been approved as a Science Based Target. To reduce emissions in the value chain and to achieve our climate target we build partnerships for innovation. We participate to develop sustainability standards for buildings and infrastructure. Certification and measurement are important drivers to make sustainability a part of the customer offering. Third-party certifications of projects are a way to meet investor and customer expectations. For Skanska, the EU Taxonomy entails a potential foundation on which future sustainability performance and strategies can be set and measured. In line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), we make use of climate-based scenario analysis to identify and address potential business risks and opportunities associated both with a transition to a low-carbon economy and with the physical consequences of climate change.


We have measured and reported carbon  emissions since 2008. We report carbon emissions according to the GHG Protocol. Performance is followed up quarterly by the Group Leadership Team and the Board of Directors (the Board).

We have reduced carbon emissions in our own operations, scope 1 and 2, by 60 percent compared to base year 2015, and improved our carbon intensity to 1.03 from 2.60.

The majority of our carbon emissions stem from the value chain, calculated as scope 3. These carbon emissions originate from purchased materials and the energy needed in the operational phase of our buildings’ lifetime.

Reduction of carbon emissions from our own operations (scope 1 and 2) compared to our base year of 2015.

LEED Platinum or Gold, BREEAM Excellent or WELL-certified buildings of total commercial development office divestments in 2023

Energy reduction in new office buildings compared to national NZEB or ASHRAE baselines.

Green bonds

Green bonds help spur sustainable development. Read more on our Green Bond Impact Report.