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Népliget Center, Budapest

  • Népliget Center, Budapest, Hungary
  • Three Phases of Népliget Center, Budapest, Hungary
  • Népliget Center Könyves Kálmán Roadring Facade, Budapest, Hungary

Népliget Center is a modern three-phase office complex offering 26.000 sqm of GLA. The project - completed in 2010 - outperforms in numerous green building certification criteria, and has been endorsed by the EU GreenBuilding Programme of the European Commission’s Directorate General for its outstanding energy efficiency performance and environmental-friendliness.


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Offices
Concept: Sustainability case study
Start date: 2006
Completion date: 2010
Clients: GLL Real Estate Partners
Country: Hungary
City: Budapest
Project status: Completed


CIJ ESSA (Environmental, Social and Sustainability) AWARD 2011
