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Modernization of Stary Port pumping station and wastewater transfering system

  • Stary Port
  • Stary Port
  • Stary Port

Modernization of Stary Port pumping station required construction of wastewater pumping station with maximum capacity of 79 056 m³/ day for dry weather pumps and maximum 321 062 m³/day for wet pumps. Total maximum capacity of the pumping station amounts to 400 118 m³/day.

Within modernization of the pumping station we also realized wastewater pre-treatment unit (mechanical treatment), which consists of grid chamber and grit chambers with cubic capacity 4706 m³. Electrical energy is supplied to the facilities by means of power station consisting of 2500 kVA transformers as well as medium and low voltage switching station. Moreover, new engineering facilities were realized, such as north overflow, grid chamber, grit chambers' and pumping station biofilters, overflow chamber KP-1 and KP-2, wastewater measurement chamber in the Stary Port pumping station, connecting chamber on the territory of the New Port and cable channel. We also realized roads and yards, parking lots and fencing. South storm water overflow and north storm rain water outlet were also modernized and reconstructed. Realization of pressure collecting pipe of Hobas GRP pipes with the diameter DN 110 m and length 2615 m was a very important element of the project. This collecting pipe connected Nowy Port with expansion chamber in ul. Popowicka. Within the project we also realized three guided horizontal rebores under the Odra river, two with the diameter DN 80 mm and length 285 each and third rebore for cable culverts with the diameter 160 mm and length 278 m. New pressure collecting pipe runs from the territory of New Port to the wastewater collecting pipe Odra. Execution of two pipelines of almost one meter in diameter under the bottom of the Odra river was one of the most difficult stages of construction of the new wastewater transfer system. The moment when first wastewater was pumped into "Janówek" wastewater treatment plant was one of the most important milestones of this investment.

Before modernization of the Stary Port pumping station, wastewater from municipal sewerage system were disposed to irrigated fields in the Osobowice district. Thanks to this investment the inhabitants from Osobowice, Rędzin, Świniary and Lipa Piotrowska districts will breathe in fresh air and the whole city will gain attractive investment areas. Vast part of the irrigated land will be aforrested, which will enable preservation of the existing ecosystems. This place is one of the most interesting ornithological areas in the Lower Silesia. Among the species that can be found there are sparrowhawks and strictly protected cranes.


Photos courtesy of MPWiK in Wrocław.



Iwona Walczak


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Water management
Start date: 2008
Completion date: 2012
Clients: Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji
Country: Poland
City: Wroclaw
Project status: Completed