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Modernization of railway line Zilina - Krasno nad Kysucou

  • Zilina Krasno 1
  • Zilina Krasno 2
  • Zilina Krasno 3
  • Zilina Krasno 4
  • Zilina Krasno 5
  • Zilina Krasno 6

Modernization of railway line Žilina - Krasno nad Kysucou was inaugurated on 29.2.2012 in Kysucké Nové Mesto Railway Station. Construction began in 2008 and its purpose was to improve the safety, convenience, speed of passenger trains to 140 km / h,reducing the negative environmental impacts, increase capacity of rail transport routes, more efficient traffic management and time saving. All these works were carried out within the Operational Program Transport.

Modernization of Railway Line Žilina - Krásno nad Kysucou The leg of the railway line Žilina - Čadca is a part of the European trail C-E 40 and based on agreements it belongs among European corridors of the level VI. This integration into the international network of combined transport resulted in the need of modernization of not only the railway line itself, but also the whole transport infrastructure in order to meet requirements under European agreements AGC and AGTC.


Vladimír Kotrík Ing.
Oblastný manažér


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Railways
Start date: 2008
Completion date: 2011
Clients: Železnice Slovenskej republiky
Country: Slovakia
City: Žilina
Project status: Completed