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North by-pass of Lubliniec in the route of state road No 46

  • by-pass of Lubliniec
  • by-pass of Lubliniec

North by-pass of Lubliniec in the route of state road No 46 supplements the westward ring road of the town which is situated in the route of state road No 11 and was handed over for use in 2001. The investment included construction of 5,62 km of road with two road lanes 3,5 m each. We also reconstructed local service, farm and access roads of total length 3,8 km. We realized walkways, bicycle lanes and bus stops. We reconstructed state road No 11 and realized two new interchanges. First of them is situated in the town of Lubecko and connects the by-pass of Lubliniec with state road No 11 and local roads. Second interchange was executed at the crossing of the by-pass with Jawornicka street in the town of Kochcice. The project also covered construction of seven bridge facilities including three viaducts over railway lines. Our scope of works involved dewatering of road embankment and execution of acoustic screen panels.


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Roads
Start date: 2008
Completion date: 2010
Clients: Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad
Country: Poland
City: Lubliniec
Project status: Completed